Happy Easter everyone (even though it's a day late!)!! I hope you enjoyed your holiday as much as I did. Ours was so laid back and relaxing....pretty much the COMPLETE opposite we're used to when we're home with family! We were in no rush to get anywhere. The kids woke up, we did Easter baskets, ate breakfast, went to church came home and relaxed for the rest of the day and ate a nice Easter dinner, just the 4 of us....it was so great. Even the weather was terrific. The kids looked fantastic in their outfits, although I don't have a single picture of them together because Henry was not in the mood and Grace, well, she was just being Grace and refused to sit next to her brother for any amount of time for me to get any kind of decent picture.....*sigh* as goes the story of a day in my life with the kids!
Anyway, today was really great also. I was up early, Henry of course slept in (went to bed at 7:30 last night and woke up at 9:15 this morning!!go figure he would never do that if I was trying to sleep in also!), was at the grocery by 10:20am and thankfully my kids were perfect for me during this trip and I was able to finish an entire shopping trip in under an hour :-), came home and continued purging everything unwanted in the house so we don't move any unwanted items in June, organized my pantry, attempted a new recipe for dinner (not so good, ended up running out to get something else to eat.....ugh!) then my husband, Beau, took Grace out back to run around a little before bed time. While they were "racing" in the backyard, I jumped rope (thanks to my supportive husband for purchasing this for me <3). I am really going to love adding this to my workouts, so great for getting your heart rate up and working up a quick sweat. Plus, you can have the kids playing outside and watch them while you're doing your workout.....perfect!!! And lucky me I have my very own little jump roping coach, Grace, who ever so kindly says, '1-2-3 jump' each time I'm suppose to start jumping and then tells me "now mommy you keep jumping!" Oh how I appreciate her loving words of encouragement!
Afterr getting Grace down for the night, Beau and I went to the basement and did a little boxing! Never done it before, had no idea what I was doing, but I LOVED it. It was so great. Good workout for the arms, I was sweaty and tired afterwards.....just another awesome addition to the workout routine. Both of these things came at a really good time for me, I needed something new to add to my workouts, something to look forward to, a new challenge for myself.........you get the idea! With the boxing though, I need Beau home to help me because he wears the mitts and I hit, so it's a two person workout, so I'll be doing that whenever his schedule isn't too ridiculous with studying for boards, etc. To say he doesn't have a lot of free time lately, would be putting it very mildly, so I really enjoyed all the time I got to spend with him yesterday and tonight with the boxing. I hope it's something we can really stick to together. Beau did a little boxing years ago, so he knows the basics which is exactly what I need. There were a few times when I was hitting the mitts that I thought I was going to miss and accidentally hit him in the face or chest. I think if that would've happened that would've been the beginning and the end of my boxing career! I would've felt terrible.
So not too sure what I'll do the rest of the week, it's going to start to get pretty busy after this week, just around 8 weeks until we move and we still need to find a place (YIKES!) so I'll be heading to Parkersburg, again, on Thursday in hopes of looking at some houses or at least setting up numerous appointments for this weekend maybe....either way it's crunch time and I'm really looking forward to this move and all the adventures that await for us. Bigger city, closer to home, friends moving to the same area......it will be absolutely perfect..............once we get a house, then I won't be such a worried mess!
Wednesday night I have the last basketball game of the year, the All-Star game! It was a voting of your peers that played this season and I was lucky enough to have made the women's team so I'll be playing at 7:15pm on Wednesday and then basketball will be done....kinda of bittersweet. But thanks to everyone who voted for me because I never vote for myself with things like that. Beau said I should've, but it just didn't feel right.
Well, in my attempts to be more of a morning person I am trying to get to bed earlier at night so that I can start waking up at 7am to get a few extra things done before the kids wake up....like maybe eating a hot breakfast for once :-) so good night to all who are so kind enough to keep reading along as I creep closer and closer to my 90 day mark! Until next time........................................
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