Hi all!
My name is Courtney and I'm brand new to blogging....so bare with me while I work out the kinks!!
I'm starting this blog because I've set up a personal challenge for myself....to workout for 90 days straight (weekends included)! I'm hoping to meet people willing to challenge themselves also, not necessarily with physical fitness, but something that is personally challenging to themselves. At first, this challenge might not seem to difficult, but throw in two kids (2.5 and 7 months) a husband in medical school, a family move coming up in four months and just the day to day tasks that a stay at home mom has the joy of completing and suddenly 90 days seems like an eternity!
I'll complete my exercises in my home or at the gym (if given the chance).The whole goal is to push myself and my body to become stonger and to just feel better about myself in general. I'm not looking to do anything more than just be healthy and promote such a lifestyle to my growing, beautiful children. Most days for me it's going to be more of a mental challenge, but I'm hoping between the support of my husband (and hopefully some of you) and my desire to feel better about me, that I will overcome this obstacle and set my sights on yet another one! I began my challenge on MARCH 21, 2011 so today was day 7!
Join me on my exciting journey as I share with you my workouts and personal stories of managing to stick to my exercises while spending time with my woderful family. I promise the stories to be honest and I'm sure pretty funny and entertaining at times as well.
Only 83 more days to go
sounds like a great challenge, go Courtney!! i'll be following!